Author Archives: admin

Underground feeding of rivers in the Mescha river basin

Small rivers have an important natural and economic importance, so their study is relevant. The purpose of the article is to study underground nutrition in the basin of the river. Mesh. The object of study is the pool itself, and the subject is the underground feeding of the rivers in this basin. The history of […]

Lake Ulahan-Ary-Kuele

The unique lake Ulahan-Kuel is one of the most protected natural areas of Yakutia, it has the status of republican significance. It is located in the northeastern part of the Žigansky ulus. The total area is 11046 ha. It is unique in its origin water body, which has a special nature protection, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, […]

Olekminsky reserve: description. Flora and fauna

Who decides to recover in Yakutia, must certainly visit the state Olekminsky reserve, founded in 1984. It is located in the foothills of the Stanovoi Range at the junction of the Aldan Plateau, which passes into the Prilenskoe Plateau. The area of the reserve is 847108 hectares. The nearest settlement is 80 km away, so […]

Druzhba Museum-Reserve in Sottince

Lensky Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve “Friendship” was founded in 1987. The purpose of its creation was to tell about the history of the formation of Yakutia as part of the Russian Empire and the Russian influence on the Yakut way of life and culture. For this purpose, monuments of ancient times and wooden architectural structures […]