Indigirka river

Indigirka river

The River Of Indigirka:
Length: 62 km
The basin area: 360 000 km2

The river of Indigirka located in Yakutia.

Geographical position.

The length of the river 1726 km, basin area of 360 km2. At the beginning of Indigirka taken the place of confluence of two rivers – of Tuor-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh, which originates on the Northern slopes Balkanskog ridge; flows into the East Siberian sea. Pool Indigirka river is located in the development area of permafrost rocks, and therefore for its rivers are characterized by the formation of giant ice accumulation. In structure of the valley and river channels and water velocity Indigirka is divided into two sections: the upper mountain (640 km) and the lower plain (1086 km).

After the confluence of Tuor-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh Indigirka flows in the North-West on the lowest part Oymyakon highlands, turning to the North, cuts through a series of mountain chains of the Chersky ridge. The width of the valley here from 0.5 to 1 to 20 km, direction pebble, many shivers, the flow rate of 2-3,5 m/S. When crossing Chemelynskoye ridge Indigirka flows in a deep gorge and forms rapids; the current speed of 4 m/S. This site is unsuitable even for rafting. Above the mouth of the river Moms, where Indigirka out in Momo-Selennyakh depression, begins the lower portion. Valley of Indigirka expands riverbed abounds banks and braids, sometimes broken into the branches. Rounding Momsky ridge, Indigirka flows into the lowland plain. On Abysmi lowland very winding, Yano-Indigirka for Indigirka characteristic direct long reaches a width of 350-500 meters In 130 km from the mouth of the Indigirka broken into the branches (major: Russian Ustie, Medium – largest, Kolyma), forming the Delta (with the area of 5 500 km2). From the sea mouth of the Indigirka separated shallow bar.

Hydrology the river.

In the power of Indigirka participate rain and melted snow (snow, ice and ice) water. The flood in the warmer part of the year, and runoff in the spring of 32 %, the summer 52 %fall around 16 %of winter, less than 1 % and the river in places peremarket (Cross-Mayor, chokurdah). Average consumption in Ust-Nera 428 m3/s, maximum 10 to 600 m3/s, at the Vorontsov respectively 1 570 m3/s and 11 500 m3/S. the fluctuations in the level of 7.5 and 11.2 m, the highest levels in June – early July. The annual discharge at the mouth 58.3 km3; runoff 13.7 million T. Freeze in October, opened in late may – early June.

Commercial use.

Shipping from the mouth of the river Moma (1.1 km). Main pier: Honow, Army, chokurdah, Tabor. In the pool of Indigirka – gold mining. Indigirka rich in fish, in the mouth – fishing of whitefish, muksun, nelma, omul, whitefish.

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